Deploy Validator Client

Staking is the act of depositing 32 ETH to activate validator software. As a validator you’ll be responsible for storing data, processing transactions, and adding new blocks to the blockchain. This will keep Ethereum secure for everyone and earn you new ETH in the process. This process, known as proof-of-stake, is being introduced by the Beacon Chain. source

Deploy Validator Client

kind: Validator
  name: teku-validator
  client: teku
  network: pyrmont
    - http://teku-beacon-node:9999
  graffiti: Validated by Kotal
    - secretName: my-validator

In this validator client, we're using ConsenSys Teku Ethereum 2.0 client client: teku, validating pyrmont network blockchain network: pyrmont, connecting to beacon node endpoint using beaconEndpoints: ..., setting the graffiti text to include in the propsed blocks graffiti: validated by Kotal, and loading a validator keystore using keystores: ... from a kubernetes secret called my-validator.

The keystores loaded using spec.keystores[].secretName from kubernetes secret, must contain two data keys:

  • keystore key hodling the BLS12-381 keystore JSON file

  • password key holding the encryption key of the keystore.

Let's deploy the validator client:

kubectl apply -f validator.yaml

Kotal operator will notice your teku-validator and will create all the necessary pods, persistent volumes, services, configmaps, and secrets.

You can fetch the deployed Ethereum 2.0 Validator using:

kubectl get validators

It will return an output similar to the following:

teku-validator   teku     pyrmont   1m

Fetch Validator Logs

Get the pods created for the validator client:

kubectl get pods

It will return an output similar to the following:

NAME                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
teku-validator-0     1/1     Running   0          1m

Get the logs of the running validator pod:

kubectl logs -f teku-validator-0

You'll get an output similar to the following:

21:21:30.668 INFO  - Storing validator data in: /opt/teku/kotal-data/validator
21:21:30.751 INFO  - Loading 1 validator keys...
21:21:31.759 INFO  - Loaded 1 Validators: 83dbb18

Finally delete the validator client:

kubectl delete validator teku-validator

Kubernetes garbage collector will delete all the resources that has been created by Kotal Ethereum 2.0 Validator controller.

Last updated