Deploy IPFS cluster peer

IPFS Cluster provides data orchestration across a swarm of IPFS daemons by allocating, replicating and tracking a global pinset distributed among multiple peers. Source


Before we start, you need to:

Step 1 - Deploy IPFS Peer

Deploy an ipfs peer Peer because it's required by ClusterPeer. Check our Deploy IPFS Peer tutorial.

Step 2 - Generate Cluster Secret

Create a cluster secret which secures access to the cluster:

CLUSTER_SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 32)
kubectl create secret generic cluster-secret --from-literal=secret=$CLUSTER_SECRET

Cluster secret must be 32-byte hex-encoded (64 characters) without the leading 0x. It must be hold in data field called secret in the Kubernetes secret.

Step 3 - Generate ID and Private Key

Create cluster peer ID and private key using ipfs-key

ipfs-key -type ed25519 | base64

It will return an output similar to the following:

Generating a 2048 bit ed25519 key...
ID for generated key: 12D3KooWBcEtY8GH4mNkri9kM3haeWhEXtQV7mi81ErWrqLYGuiq

Step 4 - Deploy Private Key Secret

create Kubernetes secret from the generated private key in step(3) above.

kubectl create secret generic cluster-peer-privatekey --from-literal=key=$CLUSTER_PEER_PRIVATEKEY

Deploying First Cluster Peer

Now we're ready to deploy the cluster peer and connect it to the peer we've deployed in step(1)

kind: ClusterPeer
  Name: cluster-peer
  consensus: crdt
  # from step(3)
  id: "12D3KooWBcEtY8GH4mNkri9kM3haeWhEXtQV7mi81ErWrqLYGuiq"
  # from step(4)
  privateKeySecretName: cluster-peer-privatekey
  # from step(1)
  peerEndpoint: /dns4/peer-sample/tcp/5001
  # from step(2)
  clusterSecretName: cluster-secret

Note that id and privateKeySecretName are optional, they're useful to get predictable cluster peer id to be used in future steps as bootstrap peer.

Let's deploy cluster peer manifest file:

kubectl apply -f cluster-peer.yaml

Kotal operator will notice your cluster-peer and will create all the necessary pods, persistent volumes, services, configmaps, and secrets.

You can fetch the deployed IPFS ClusterPeer using:

kubectl get clusterpeers

It will return an output similar to the following:

NAME           CLIENT                 CONSENSUS
cluster-peer   ipfs-cluster-service   crdt

Fetch Cluster Peer Logs

Get the pods created for our cluster peer:

kubectl get pods

It will return an output similar to the following:

cluster-peer-0   1/1     Running   0          2m

Check the logs of the running cluster peer:

kubectl logs -f cluster-peer-0

It will return an output similar to the following:

2021-04-30T00:31:24.109Z	INFO	service	ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:46	Initializing. For verbose output run with "-l debug". Please wait...
2021-04-30T00:31:24.133Z	INFO	cluster	ipfs-cluster/cluster.go:136	IPFS Cluster v0.13.2+git812c8e3631d4d6771a6e04112e12cd7726e23f7a listening on:


2021-04-30T00:31:24.134Z	INFO	ipfsproxy	ipfsproxy/ipfsproxy.go:320	IPFS Proxy: /ip4/ -> /ip4/
2021-04-30T00:31:24.134Z	INFO	restapi	rest/restapi.go:521	REST API (HTTP): /ip4/
2021-04-30T00:31:24.134Z	INFO	crdt	go-ds-crdt@v0.1.20/crdt.go:278	crdt Datastore created. Number of heads: 0. Current max-height: 0
2021-04-30T00:31:24.136Z	INFO	cluster	ipfs-cluster/cluster.go:651	Cluster Peers (without including ourselves):
2021-04-30T00:31:24.136Z	INFO	cluster	ipfs-cluster/cluster.go:653	    - No other peers
2021-04-30T00:31:24.136Z	INFO	cluster	ipfs-cluster/cluster.go:666	** IPFS Cluster is READY **

As you can see from the logs that our cluster peer is up and running as indicated by the healthy logs IPFS Cluster is READY.

Update Cluster Pinset

Let's add some content to the pinset by executing commands inside cluster peer container:

$ kubectl exec -it cluster-peer-0 -- sh
# now we're inside cluster-peer container

$ echo "kotal simplifies Blockchain DevOps" > kotal.txt

# add kotal.txt to the pinset
$ ipfs-cluster-ctl add kotal.txt
added QmUiwYtz1VxeryVCpTLWqrbeUi9HyGH4AnpSG6BrmdMhzL kotal.txt

# leave cluster-peer container
$ exit

Let's fetch the pinset of the ipfs peer by executing commands inside peer -created in step(1)- container:

$ kubectl exec -it peer-sample-0 -- sh
# now we're inside peer-sample container

# List objects pinned to local storage
$ ipfs pin ls
QmUNLLsPACCz1vLxQVkXqqLX5R1X345qqfHbsf67hvA3Nn recursive
QmUiwYtz1VxeryVCpTLWqrbeUi9HyGH4AnpSG6BrmdMhzL recursive

$ ipfs cat QmUiwYtz1VxeryVCpTLWqrbeUi9HyGH4AnpSG6BrmdMhzL
kotal simplifies Blockchain DevOps

# leave ipfs peer container
$ exit

As you can see, content pinned by the cluster peer, has been added to the pinset of the ipfs peer and available in its local storage.

Deploying Second Cluster Peer

The only prerequisite to the second cluster peer is to:

Step 1 - Deploy IPFS Peer

Deploy an ipfs peer Peer, and name it peer-sample-two. Check our Deploy IPFS Peer tutorial.

We will reuse cluster secret that was generated in step(2) during deploying first cluster peer above.

kind: ClusterPeer
  Name: cluster-peer-two
  # from step(1)
  peerEndpoint: /dns4/peer-sample-twp/tcp/5001
  # generated during deploying first cluster peer in step(2)
  clusterSecretName: cluster-secret
  # first cluster peer listening address
    - /ip4/cluster-peer/tcp/9096/p2p/12D3KooWBcEtY8GH4mNkri9kM3haeWhEXtQV7mi81ErWrqLYGuiq

The first cluster peer multiaddress is predictable because we've used a pre-generated id and private key in step(3). /ip4/{cluster peer k8s service name}/tcp/9096/p2p/{cluster peer ID}

Deploying this cluster manifest will deploy a cluster peer that connects to the first cluster peer and will connect to its own ipfs peer peer-sample-two instance.

kubectl apply -f cluster-peer-two.yaml

You can fetch the deployed cluster peers by:

kubectl get clusterpeers

It will return an output similar to the following:

NAME               CLIENT                 CONSENSUS
cluster-peer       ipfs-cluster-service   crdt
cluster-peer-two   ipfs-cluster-service   crdt

Fetch Second Cluster Peer Logs

Get the pods created by our cluster peer:

kubectl get pods

It will return an output similar to the following:

NAME                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cluster-peer-0       1/1     Running   0          10m
cluster-peer-two-0   1/1     Running   0          2m

Check the logs of cluster peer two:

kubectl logs -f cluster-peer-two-0

It will return an output similar to the following:

2021-05-01T19:17:12.043Z	INFO	service	ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:46	Initializing. For verbose output run with "-l debug". Please wait...
2021-05-01T19:17:12.352Z	INFO	cluster	ipfs-cluster/cluster.go:136	IPFS Cluster v0.13.2+git812c8e3631d4d6771a6e04112e12cd7726e23f7a listening on:


2021-05-01T19:17:12.441Z	INFO	restapi	rest/restapi.go:521	REST API (HTTP): /ip4/
2021-05-01T19:17:12.441Z	INFO	ipfsproxy	ipfsproxy/ipfsproxy.go:320	IPFS Proxy: /ip4/ -> /ip4/
2021-05-01T19:17:12.441Z	INFO	service	ipfs-cluster-service/daemon.go:218	Bootstrapping to /dns4/cluster-peer/tcp/9096/p2p/12D3KooWBcEtY8GH4mNkri9kM3haeWhEXtQV7mi81ErWrqLYGuiq
2021-05-01T19:17:12.442Z	INFO	crdt	go-ds-crdt@v0.1.20/crdt.go:278	crdt Datastore created. Number of heads: 0. Current max-height: 0
2021-05-01T19:17:12.442Z	INFO	crdt	crdt/consensus.go:277	'trust all' mode enabled. Any peer in the cluster can modify the pinset.
2021-05-01T19:17:12.447Z	INFO	cluster	ipfs-cluster/cluster.go:651	Cluster Peers (without including ourselves):
2021-05-01T19:17:12.447Z	INFO	cluster	ipfs-cluster/cluster.go:653	    - No other peers
2021-05-01T19:17:12.448Z	INFO	cluster	ipfs-cluster/cluster.go:666	** IPFS Cluster is READY **
2021-05-01T19:17:12.551Z	INFO	cluster	ipfs-cluster/cluster.go:1020	12D3KooWGVZek7gdarvj7gePvnV9x8ekSeSdruYojgj5dmU466Wv: joined 12D3KooWBcEtY8GH4mNkri9kM3haeWhEXtQV7mi81ErWrqLYGuiq's cluster

As you can see cluster peer two is up and running as indicated by the healthy logs and IPFS Cluster is READY.

Cluster peer two has joined the first cluster peer as indicated by the highlighted log line joined 12D...uiq's cluster

Finally, delete all peers and cluster peers:

kubectl delete peers --all
kubectl delete clusterpeers --all

Kubernetes garbage collector will delete all the resources that has been created by Kotal IPFS Peer and ClusterPeer controllers.

Last updated