
Polkadot is a sharded protocol that enables blockchain networks to operate together seamlessly. Polkadot is a 100% open-source project created to enable a decentralized web and better society.

We've extended Kubernetes with Node custom resource which can be used to Polkadot, Kusama, Rococo, and substrate-based chains from the given spec.


Node is Polkadot node using parity polkadot client, connecting to and syncing a specific chain, and optionally validating blocks.

apiVersion: polkadot.kotal.io/v1alpha1
kind: Node
  Name: kusama-node
  network: kusama
  rpc: true

For all the fields associated with the Node API resource:

kubectl explain nodes --api-version polkadot.kotal.io/v1alpha1
kubectl explain nodes.spec --api-version polkadot.kotal.io/v1alpha1

Full polkadot node reference is documented here.

Last updated