Deploy NEAR Validator Node

In this tutorial, we will learn how to deploy a NEAR validator node, and load a validator key into it.

Generate Validator Key

Generate validator account using NEAR CLI tool. Which can be installed using:

npm install -g near-cli

Validator account must have the name validator.

near generate-key validator

An ed25519 private key will be generated and saved in current user home directory under .near-credentials/testnet

cat ~/.near-credentials/testnet/validator.json

It will return an output similar to the following

  "account_id": "validator",
  "public_key": "ed25519:CdTBLXMmu9gzoCbNKdUnej1tJNMz5tzRjJF2a9DwAgUr",
  "private_key": "ed25519:4k83DwbSpD3zzai4ZPdeRJcfXttU3Uq68mWWhni6ra2RKnG3jyVKEZyP14gDJZ9W1oqFujpAkidoNrYY4TLqijsG"

Change private_key field to secret_key.

Generate Secret for Validator Private Key

Create a Kubernetes secret from the generated private key in the previous step:

kubectl create secret generic validator-key  --from-file=key=$HOME/.near-credentials/testnet/validator.json

Deploy NEAR Validator Node

The following manifest describes a NEAR node that syncs NEAR testnet network: testnet, enables HTTP JSON-RPC server rpc: true, loads validator key from the Kubernetes secret that we've created in the previous step, and uses NEAR Core client:

kind: Node
  name: near-node
  network: testnet
  validatorSecretName: validator-key
  rpc: true

Apply near.yaml manifest:

kubectl apply -f near.yaml

Kotal operator will notice your near-node and will create all the necessary pods, persistent volumes, services, configmaps, and secrets neccessary.

You can fetch the deployed NEAR Node using:

kubectl get nodes.near

It will return an output similar to the following:

near-node    testnet    nearcore    true

Note that validator is true in the prevous output 😇

Fetch Node Logs

Get the pods that has been created by Kotal for the node:

kubectl get pods

It will return an output similar to the following:

near-node-0       1/1     Running   0          1m

Get the logs of the running node:

kubectl logs -f near-node-0

It will return node logs similar to the following:

Apr 08 12:24:09.930  INFO neard: Version: 1.23.1, Build: 1.23.0-9-gc0551c84b-modified, Latest Protocol: 50
Apr 08 12:24:09.937  INFO near: Did not find "/home/near/kotal-data/data" path, will be creating new store database
Apr 08 12:24:10.438  INFO stats: Server listening at ed25519:GK2bMCbzgjFrdAQPFu2qSc6rViwX4MUb8WZb97CAfUMr@
Apr 08 12:24:20.444  INFO stats: # 9820210 Downloading headers 0.00% (53273496)   5/3/40 peers ⬇ 0.7kiB/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s 0.00 bps 0 gas/s CPU: 0%, Mem: 0 B
Apr 08 12:24:30.447  INFO stats: # 9820210 Downloading headers 0.00% (53273498)   5/3/40 peers ⬇ 0.7kiB/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s 0.00 bps 0 gas/s CPU: 4%, Mem: 78.4 MiB
Apr 08 12:24:40.417  INFO stats: # 9820210 Downloading headers 0.00% (53273497)   5/3/40 peers ⬇ 0.7kiB/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s 0.00 bps 0 gas/s CPU: 10%, Mem: 99.6 MiB

Finally you can delete the node by:

kubectl delete -f near.yaml

Kubernetes garbage collector will delete all the resources that has been created by Kotal NEAR Node controller.

Further Reading

Last updated